Yes, all dogs in Plummer Additional must be licensed each year by March 31st as regulated in the License, Regulate and Control Dogs By-Law 2002-17.
A dog tag is the best form of ID for your dog and plays a critical role in identifying your dog should it become lost or injured.
Dog tags can be purchased at the Township Office. Tags are $5 each for spayed/neutered dogs and $10 each for dogs that have not been spayed or neutered. Proof of rabies vaccination is required upon registration. The fees double after March 31st each year.
Once you have completed and submitted your application, and the Township has received payment, you will be provided the dog tag(s). Please click on Dog Licence Application Form Options to access application form options.
- MAIL: Cheques (made out to Township of Plummer Additional) can be mailed to:
Township of Plummer Additional
38 Railway Crescent, RR #2,
Bruce Mines, ON P0R 1C0
- DROP BOX: Make a payment by cheque using our 24-hour mail slot. The mail slot is located in the front door of the Municipal Office.
In a sealed envelope, include your payment, completed application and relevant documentation to ensure payment is applied to the correct account.
- IN-PERSON: In-person payments can be made at the Municipal Office. The office is open to the public:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The office is open on Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. but is closed to the public.
- E-TRANSFER (these funds will auto-deposit – no password is necessary):
Using your banking institution’s Interac e-Transfer tool, RATEPAYERS may set up the following:
- Contact’s Name: Township of Plummer Additional
- Notify by: email
- Contact’s Email Address: payments@plummertownship.ca
- Notification Language: English
- “Add Contact”
- When you send money by e-transfer, you MUST use the message box to provide the reason for the payment (i.e. Dog Tags; Fire Permit; Pre-Consult Fee; Building Permit)
- NEW: OPTIONPAY (VISA/MasterCard Credit and Debit Card Option)
OptionPay: Introduction to Residents
The Township of Plummer Additional is pleased to announce that it will now accept payment by VISA or MasterCard Credit or Debit card for select municipal bills and services through OptionPay, our third-party payment processor. ONLY VISA or MasterCard Credit and Debit cards are accepted as payment options using OptionPay.
Please note that a nominal transaction fee is applied to Credit VISA/Mastercard and Debit VISA/Mastercard payments. All processing fees are charged by OptionPay and are not received by the Municipality. Processing fee amounts are determined based on the value of the transaction.
Utilizing OptionPay enables our Municipality to keep our overall payment acceptance processing costs down yet provide for individual residents to utilize their credit/debit card for payment of municipal bills and services.
Currently the following bill types for our Municipality can be paid through OptionPay:
- Accounts Receivable (invoice)
- Development
- Licences
- Permits
- Property Taxes
- Hall/Sport Court/Recreation Rentals
- Cemetery
All payments will be received by the Municipality within 48 business hours, so please be sure to allow for this processing time when making your payment. Also ensure to know your daily and/or transaction processing limit when making credit card payments.
Credit card Rewards are earned on entire purchase, including fees.
For optimal performance, please use Google Chrome or Firefox web browser when accessing OptionPay.
OptionPay Payment Links
Click on the following button:
Scan the QR code below using your smart phone:
To report a stray dog, please call the Township Office at (705)785-3479.
The animal control officer can be contacted by calling the Township Office at (705)785-3479.
What to Do If Your Livestock Has Been Injured or Killed by Wildlife
Lori Thornburg Phone: (705)206-8585 Email: jlfarms@icloud.com
If you are unable to contact the Valuer, please report the incident to the Plummer Township Office at (705)785-3479.
The Valuer must examine the area for evidence to help determine the cause of the loss.
- Avoid walking in or around the area.
- Place a tarp over the carcass.
- Take photos of the scene (if a camera is available).
The Valuer’s report will give details regarding the extent of the damage to the livestock, and the amount of the compensation claim awarded. The Valuer will state in the report whether or not the livestock was killed or injured by any wildlife such as coyotes, wolves, bears, etc.
You may appeal to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), in writing, within 20 business days of receiving the Valuer’s report. A cheque or money order for $25, payable to the “Minister of Finance” must accompany the appeal. The $25 fee will be refunded, if the appeal is upheld.
- Provide a valid Farm Business Registration number (FBR) or approved documentation issued by the Ministry (1-866-327-3678) Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-5 p.m.
Online at: www.agricorp.com Email: fbr@agricorp.com
- Provide a Premises Identification number (free registration: 1-855-697-7743)
Online at: www.ontarioppr.ca
- Provide their Social Insurance Number (any payments received under the Program will be considered as income for tax purposes).
- Demonstrate (to the Valuer) reasonable effort has been taken to prevent incidences of wildlife damage to livestock.
- OMAFRA contact information: Online at: omafra.gov.on.ca
Phone: 1-877-424-1300 Email: ag.infor.omafra@ontario.ca