Booth Bridge Survey

Photos of Booth Bridge looking north on West Road and a satellite view of the Booth Bridge location

Photos of  Booth Bridge looking north on West Road and a satellite view of the Booth Bridge location.

Booth Bridge Survey

As some residents be aware, Booth Bridge’s maximum load was reduced from 20 tonnes to 10 tonnes in September, 2021. The Township of Plummer Additional is pursuing funding opportunities that will potentially fund the reconstruction of Booth Bridge, which is set to require replacement in the next five years. 

Residents should be aware that there is no plan to close the bridge.  However, we are reaching out to ratepayers to determine how the closure of Booth Bridge would impact their daily lives. Impacts can include the distance for daily commutes or negative affects to businesses or local agricultural endeavours in the area. 

Below, you will find an online survey that will ask you a few questions on the matter. We kindly ask that you anonymously complete the survey and submit for the municipal office to process.

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey, as it will greatly benefit our endeavours to pursue funding.


Please respond below to each question by clicking on the appropriate choice.  Where available, you may also include any comments which you feel will be beneficial. Please be advised that all responses will remain anonymous.

Remember to click on the SUBMIT button once you have completed the survey.